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Is it Important To Have A Formal Orientation Program For Your Club?

Orientation really starts when your potential member indicates an interest in joining!

  • Viewers will be able to to discuss why it’s important to have a plan for orientation and how it affects outcomes.

  • Viewers will be able to decide how they want to conduct an orientation.

  • Viewers will be able to decide what materials they might want to include as part of that orientation. 

See Why It's Important To Have A Plan

Membership Chairperson - Lion Susan Bailey, RN MSN

Sue is the Membership Chair of the Rome Lions Club in Rome, NY. She has been the  Membership Chairperson for her club the last few years, and she leverages her experience as a Professional Development Specialist in Nursing to good use as she offers you some information related to orientation of new members. 

    If You Don't Have A Formal Orientation Plan Check This Out, or Even If You Do!

  • If your club is trying to pull together a plan to orientate new members to your club, this is a good video to make you aware of some basic decisions to make to strengthen your program overall. More videos to come on orientation training!

Need Some Reminders?

You can download these sheets either as a back to back print or individually. Pick your link below!

Download the back-to-back sheet Download the 3 Questions to Ask Sheet Download the New Member Packet Sheet

Tools You Can Use To

Develop Your Program

These are tools you might find important in getting your program ready. 

    New Member Orientation Training Guide

    Just to help you get started quickly, we have included the guide here for you. You can also get this off of the LCI website as well. This guide will help you make the key decisions and what content to cover. 

    LCI Has A Sample PowerPoint 

    LCI has developed a PowerPoint that you can use to host an orientation session, and gives you slides you can tweak for your club. 

    New Member Welcome Video

    This is great video to share with your new members to help inspire and excite them!