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The 2023-2024 District 20-Y Membership Survey

Welcome! This was our first effort to poll all the District's members to see if we could uncover some trends that would help us to target some initiatives to help the clubs. We felt that while we didn't get a huge response rate, we were able to get a lot of good information that can get us started.

So thank you if you took the time to do the survey!

Survey Facts:

  • First attempt in 2024

  • 1194 Active Members

  • 220 Responses

  • 18% Response Rate

  • Download the Survey Report

    Some Highlights From The Survey:

    Putting It All Together

    Below is an example of how your responses were reviewed and put together to come with some common ground. They helped us to get a better sense of several areas that are important for clubs to consider when thinking about changes or keeping things as they are.

    This is just one example of several in the report. 

    "Never let a Lion Fail"


    [email protected]

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